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Virtues of Harmony is a long-running sitcom from Hong Kong, lasting 322 episodes with two direct seasons. Produced by Tsui Yu On, the sitcom was a TVB production and aired five days a week from September 17, 2001 to December 28, 2002. The series chronicles the comical events and life of the Kam household, a rich family during a prosperous time in the Ming Dynasty of China. The series was inspired by the 2000 TVB comedy drama Colourful Life. Originally planned to be an 150-episode sitcom, an extra 200 episodes were added due to the sitcom's rating success. After the episode finale, a spin-off sequel, Virtues of Harmony II was released in 2003, as well as a spin-off musical, which starred the same cast.
The play tells the story of the love between man, ghost and fox among scholar Wan Wentong, female ghost Liu Zi, and vixen Hu Qianqian