Release year:
The 74th NHK Asadora Drama is Junjo Kirari, which means something along the lines of "pure-hearted Kirari." The story is set in Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture in the era around the Second World War. When the story opens in 1928, the heroine, Sakurako, is a very active seven-year-old girl. Indeed, even in the first episode she exhibits her confidence and enthusiasm. But above all else, Sakurako is interested in becoming a jazz pianist, and music features extensively in the plot.
Eikichi Onizuka, former gang leader, becomes a teacher of a class of students who torment their teachers and fellow students. Of course they do not do this out of whim, they have their reasons. Onizuka is charged by the chairlady to help these troubled students into a more healthy adulthood, and help rehabilitate the teachers in the process as well.