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The series revolves around Gabo, a soccer-loving teenager who, upon receiving a scholarship from the prestigious Sports Academic Institute (IAD) of Buenos Aires, will see his dream of playing at Los Halcones Dorados, the renowned amateur team of the school, and also his longing to become a professional footballer.
A widower and father of three is on the verge of ruin, but he inherits an unexpected fortune from his uncle. But the money comes with one condition: that his family takes care of Chueco, an adult chimpanzee who has a huge secret: he can talk. Hiding this won't be easy, because the chimpanzee never shuts up and will get the family in all sorts of trouble.
After Eva Perón’s death in 1952, her corpse is held for three years awaiting the construction of a mausoleum — a resting place that would never be built. In 1955, the military seized control of Argentina and hid Perón’s body from the public, fearing that it would unite the country against them. But they never imagined that in doing so she would become more dangerous in death than she was in life.