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The No Man Zone. The Movie

⭐ 6.3


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The No Man Zone. The Movie

⭐ 6.3


What will happen if, as a result of biological warfare, almost the entire male population dies out? Women will grieve (for a short time), and then they will unite and create a new better world - with eco-towns, renewable energy, opportunities to do whatever they want, even science and biohacking, even yoga and self-development. Reproduction now occurs by artificial insemination, and only girls are born in the new world. But not everyone likes such a world order. Some of the surviving men and women loyal to them go to live in abandoned cities, begin to steal electricity, enjoying freedom and traditional sex. The tranquility of the ideally arranged female world is threatened when teacher Rada from the eco-city "Two Hills" meets the young "primate" Hera outside it.

Genre: Comedy, Science Fiction
Country: Russia


⭐ 6.4


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⭐ 6.4


Ilya Goryunov has spent seven years in prison on false charges of drug trafficking. When Ilya is free he realizes that the old life that he yearned for is no more. Although he did not intend to take revenge on the man who sent him to prison, now there is no other way out.

Genre: Drama, Thriller
Country: Russia

Smack Dab Kakha

⭐ 5.3


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Smack Dab Kakha

⭐ 5.3


Kakha fell for the beautiful Sophia, but in order to get to her heart, he needed to overtake the brand new BMW Ruslan on his “penny” and score a friendship with Sergo. What will Kakh choose - love or friendship?

Genre: Comedy
Country: Russia

The Challenge

⭐ 7.2


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The Challenge

⭐ 7.2


Thoracic surgeon Evgenia Belyaeva has one month to prepare for a flight to the International Space Station, where she must operate on a crew member. Will she be up for the challenge? Can she overcome her fears and insecurities? Will she be able to perform the complicated surgery in zero gravity, and give the cosmonaut a chance to return to Earth alive?

Genre: Drama
Country: Russia

Chebi: My Fluffy Friend

⭐ 7.1


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Chebi: My Fluffy Friend

⭐ 7.1


It takes one little big eared hero to bring back the sun and smiles to the adult world! Amazing adventures await a fluffy restless animal from a distant orange country when he gets to a small sea town. There he will find friends, home and finally a name. Helped – and hindered! – he will be by a unsociable old gardener, a strange fashionista aunt and her capricious granddaughter, a boy who can’t start talking in any way and his mother, who has a hard time, although she cooks the most delicious chocolate in the world. And many, many others, whose lives, along with the aroma of oranges, are about to burst into magic and adventure.

Genre: Comedy, Family
Country: Russia

Fib the Truth

⭐ 4.5


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Fib the Truth

⭐ 4.5


A couple in love spends time away from civilization. The sudden arrival of the younger sister first, and then the girl's ex-boyfriend, violate the country idyll. Each of the heroes has his own plan for this weekend, and together they become hostages of the situation and participants in cruel psychological games. Falling in love gives way to passion, and innocent flirting causes jealousy and can lead to mortal danger.

Genre: Drama, Thriller
Country: Russia

Russian Affairs

⭐ 6.6

SS 4

EP 32

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Russian Affairs

⭐ 6.6

SS 4

EP 32

Moscow, present day. The city of big money, passion, gorgeous women and wealthy men, receptions and dangerous intrigue. Dasha, an art historian from the province, who came to the capital, dreams of a new, better life, but a mysterious and cruel incident will change everything.

Genre: Drama , Mystery
Country: Russia


⭐ 3.2

SS 1

EP 8

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⭐ 3.2

SS 1

EP 8

Kris works in a pet shop on the outskirts of town. Her childhood dreams of becoming a vet are long in the past. But tomorrow, Kris is going on holiday with her boyfriend Kirill. Packing is a real challenge, however, as she leaves every decision she makes up to a coin. The choice between a baseball cap and a straw hat, a latte and a cappuccino, an underground or a taxi ride, can only be made by a magic coin which was once given to her by her father. On the first day of the holiday everything goes to hell. On Instagram she sees a new post from her ex-boyfriend Sergei – who died five years ago in a car crash. After an argument with Kirill, she decides to track Sergei down. However, Kris finds not only her ex, but another version of herself – the confident and successful Tina. If Sergei isn’t dead, and he married Tina 5 years ago, which girl is the real Kristina?

Genre: Drama , Comedy
Country: Russia

The No Man Zone

⭐ 8.3

SS 2

EP 26

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The No Man Zone

⭐ 8.3

SS 2

EP 26

The year is 2140. Society has undergone profound change and is now run as a matriarchy, thus removing its reliance on men. Two Hills is one of the communities founded by this new order. It is a place of perfection, where there is harmony rather than conflict, science and reason prevail and the environment is protected and respected. One of its inhabitants is the history teacher, Rada. On her birthday she takes her students on a guided tour of a special area outside of Two Hills, a place where the so-called “primates” live. The "primates" are men (and a handful of women) who have chosen to live beyond female control. However, the tranquillity of Rada’s perfectly arranged female-centric world comes under threat when she meets the young "primate", Hera. It’s a classic girl-meets-boy story, in a world where the rules have fundamentally changed.

Genre: Comedy
Country: Russia

The Vampires of Midland

⭐ 8.7

SS 3

EP 16

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The Vampires of Midland

⭐ 8.7

SS 3

EP 16

Grandpa Slava is the oldest of the Midland vampire family. They live quietly. They live by the law. They live the unremarkable life of an ordinary Russian family and they never kill humans – ever. Although, of course, everyone knows they drink blood. And when some lifeless corpses are found in a birch grove near Smolensk... their peaceful life falls under threat.

Genre: Mystery , Comedy , Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Country: Russia