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Set against the backdrop of massive economic growth in the 1990s, the story follows A Bao, a self-made millionaire and his journey from being a young opportunist with a troubled past to accumulating dazzling wealth in the city of Shanghai. It also follows his entanglement with four women who represent the pursuits of his life: adventure, honour, love and innocence.
After ten years of knowledge and choice, after the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Lin Nansheng has grown into a true Communist Party member. And at the critical moment of the War of Liberation, he made outstanding contributions to the party and the country.
Tells about the love life of a woman aged over 35 years and has decided not to want to get married. His friend who is none other than the powerhouse of the company and owner of the beauty salon trapped between rescuers and applicants.
It's not easy to be a mom, not to mention a single mom. Zhou Nannan, a single mother, believes that she can give her son Xiaoyang a happy life just on her own. But at the critical juncture of getting her son into a primary school after his graduation from kindergarten