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Tokyo Love Story is a manga by Fumi Saimon. Tokyo Love Story was adapted as a Japanese television drama in 1991. It aired on Fuji Television in 11 episodes between January and March 1991. Actors include Yuji Oda, Honami Suzuki, and Narimi Arimori. The drama's theme song, Love Story wa Totsuzen ni by Kazumasa Oda is Japan's 8th best-selling single in history.
Shogo Kai is a lawyer at one of the big 4 law firms in Japan. He is good at his job, but he is arrogant. Shogo Kai only thinks about winning and he thinks the only way to satisfy his clients is to win. He is getting close to becoming a senior partner at the law firm. Shogo Kai's boss worries about his focus on winning above all else. As a condition of his promotion at the law firm, his boss asks him to hire a young lawyer as an associate. Shogo Kai interviews prospective young lawyers and meets Daiki Suzuki. Daiki Suzuki has high intelligence and his memory ability is amazing.
Aoshima is a rookie detective who has come to take a post at the Wangan Police Station in Odaiba. But what awaited this ex-salesman looking for stimulation was petty work and a rigid hierarchical control. Big cases are being handled at the main headquarters and the local police station is treated as if it were a nuisance. He is disillusioned by the fact that policemen are not superheroes and belong to a top-down organization. Living by his motto, “Cases don’t happen in the conference room, but at the scene,” Aoshima steadily influences his colleagues through his cheerfulness and strength.